All Mates:
Herman and I took the Chrysler sailing Thursday with it's jib that we found in his rental garage on S. L st. In a blue bag marked with FD ( Flying Dutchman, Not)
The boat performed well after we got it out beyond the obstructions, jetty and rocks. We made two trips to Lantana. Will mark the bag as Chrysler.
Several points need to be noted, some action.
1. Rigging the jib is tricky, cable at top should be connected to jib forward of
pulley on mast so that downward cable is not crossing jib. The cable
unwound slightly. The wire can cut your hand.
2. Need pin to go into jib cable attachment to mast at base, we used a nail. I
will get one.
3. Need new cord to connect furling can at base of jib, old one broke.
Look at Blue Holder for guidance.
4. Furl jib before raising it, leave can at bottom unwound. The jib sheets will
unfurl the jib and wind the cord. When coming in to dock use the cord to
refurl the jib.
5. The plugs that let water leak from the centerboard case are loose. There is a
tiny nut on the rubber side of the plugs, they should be tightened to spread
the plug. Picture below. I will tighten them.
6. Some of the sheets are too long, getting in the way
7. Some question about the jib sheet, outside or inside of cable supporting the
Mast. If outside, the rubber hose on the cable needs to be pulled down as
far as possible.
8. The tiller on the rudder should have the extension on top, otherwise it flops
around. Need a short piece of Velcro to hold it in place. I will do this.
9. Plugs for drainage are tricky. Instructions magic marked on back of
centerboard case.